
Handbook of Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, ISBN-13: 978-1604060287

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Handbook of Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery by David Goldenberg, ISBN-13: 978-1604060287
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

802 pages
Publisher: Thieme; 1 edition (September 16, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 160406028X
ISBN-13: 978-1604060287

Designed to fit in your lab coat pocket, Handbook of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery is both a comprehensive source of information and a conveniently portable clinical reference. The expert authors provide detailed yet concise coverage of the entire specialty, including otology, audiology, rhinology, laryngology, head and neck cancer, the thyroid and parathyroid, general otolaryngology, pediatric otolaryngology, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, and more.

Each chapter thoroughly addresses a different clinical problem, beginning with a list of key features and a section on epidemiology, followed by signs and symptoms, differential diagnoses, an explanation of how to conduct the physical exam, imaging, labs, treatment options, possible outcomes, and follow-up.


– The most complete coverage of the field currently available anywhere: contains 160 chapters in seven sections plus 3 handy appendices

– Succinct outline format enables rapid reference in clinical situations

– Numerous cross-references and an extensive index make finding needed information quick and easy

– TNM staging data – reflecting the current AJCC/UICC standards – supplements all cancer-related chapters

– Highly valuable appendices contain full color drawings of the cranial nerves, tips on when and how to perform emergency procedures, and more

This user-friendly handbook is an essential resource for every resident, fellow, and clinician in otolaryngology – head and neck surgery, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, and in any discipline that requires a solid understanding of otolaryngology-related issues.

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2 reviews for Handbook of Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, ISBN-13: 978-1604060287

  1. Jessica Turner (verified owner)

    Instant delivery and great support—perfect!

  2. Victoria Murphy (verified owner)

    Received my eBook within seconds of purchase Exceptional service

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