Teaching Outside the Box: How to Grab Your Students By Their Brains 3rd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1119089278
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Jossey-Bass; 3rd edition (September 15, 2015)
- Language: English
- 352 pages
- ISBN-10: 1119089271
- ISBN-13: 978-1119089278
Bring a fresh perspective to your classroom.
Teaching Outside the Box: How to Grab Your Students by Their Brain, Third Edition integrates practical strategies and engaging advice for new and experienced teachers. Whether you are preparing for your first year of teaching or have been working in the classroom for decades, this conversational book provides you with answers to the essential questions that you face as an educator—how to engage students, encourage self-directed learning, differentiate instruction, and create dynamic lessons that nurture critical thinking and strategic problem solving. This updated edition includes expanded material that touches on Project-Based Learning, brain-based teaching, creating smooth transitions, integrating Common Core into the classroom, and other key subject areas. Questions for reflection at the end of each chapter help you leverage this resource in book groups, professional development courses, and in both undergraduate and graduate classes.
The art of teaching is one that evolves with changing educational standards and best practices; to be the most effective teacher possible, daily self-reflection is critical, along with a need to see things from a different perspective. This means we must step outside the box—moving our focus from ‘fixing’ the students when a problem arises to helping a teacher improve his or her practice.
- Improve classroom management, discipline, motivation, and morale
- Explore strategies for arranging your classroom, engaging students, and avoiding the misbehavior cycle
- Create an environment where students learn and teachers teach
- Leverage insight from teachers and students
Teaching Outside the Box: How to Grab Your Students by Their Brain, Third Edition is an essential resource for teachers at any stage in their careers.
Table of Contents:
Acknowledgments ix
The Author xi
Introduction xiii
ONE Dear Teacher: An Open Letter 1
TWO Are You Teacher Material? 5
Super, Excellent, or Good? 7
Earn Some Extra Credit 10
Those Who Can’t Teach Can Still Do 12
What Is Teaching All About? 13
THREE Do Your Homework 17
Choose Your Persona 18
Dress the Part 20
Train Your Little Darlings 21
Control Your Classroom, Not Your Students 23
Plan for Bathroom Breaks 25
Your Optional Agenda 27
Face Your Own Prejudices 29
Facing My Own Prejudices 31
Respect Yourself 32
The Gang Thang 35
Grades: Percentage? Curve? Coin Toss? 37
Catch the Cheaters—Or Not? 38
Covering Curriculum Is Not Teaching 43
School Is an Emotional Experience 45
There Is No Such Thing as a Casual Remark to a Child 46
FOUR The Big Three: Preparation, Preparation, Preparation 51
Prepare Your Room 52
Prepare Your Paperwork 71
Prepare Yourself 87
FIVE Start with a Smile 97
Don’t Keep Your Distance 99
Choose an Engaging Opener 100
Provide Clear Instructions 102
Grab Your Students by Their Brains 102
No More Teacher Versus Student 104
Teach Your Procedure for Oral Responses 109
Be Prepared for Test the Teacher 110
Create a Daily Do-Now Activity 113
Introduce Students to Each Other 116
Establish Routines and Rituals 118
Take Time to Think 123
Do Some Diagnostics 124
Welcome Handouts and Folders 125
Delegate Some Authority 127
Review Maslow’s Hierarchy 128
Introduce Metacognition 130
Show Your Gratitude 133
The Hard Part Is Over—We Hope 133
SIX Discipline Is Not a Dirty Word 135
Define Your Philosophy 137
Punitive or Positive 139
Cowboy Philosophy 141
Rules Versus Procedures 143
Rules for Creating Rules 144
Electronic Intervention 146
ID Your Bullies and Outcasts 148
Characteristics of Successful Discipline Policies 149
Twelve Steps to Better Discipline 158
If You Have to Have Detention, Make ItWorthwhile 166
Keep Records 167
Consult the Experts, Trust Your Instincts 167
Emergency Meltdown Plan 168
SEVEN The Three Rs: Reading, Reading, Reading 177
What’s the Problem? 178
What’s the Solution? 180
One Teacher’s Experience 194
Use Music to Introduce Poetry 195
Shakespeare for Everyone 197
What About Eager Readers? 201
And Now for Something Completely Different 202
EIGHT Light and Learning 205
Light and Reading Linked 207
Better Grades—and Fewer Cavities! 207
Sunnier Classes = Higher Test Scores 208
A Roomwith a ViewImprovesGrades 208
The View from My Room 209
Scoop on Scotopic Sensitivity 211
Signs of Light Sensitivity 213
Feedback from Future Teachers 213
Pass theWord 215
Scientific Support 216
NINE Motivation and Persuasion 219
Group 1: A Little Basic Moto 220
Group 2: Powerful Persuasion Required 234
TEN Foods for Thought 261
A Few Appetizers 262
The Big, Fat Problem 264
Mother’s Milk Versus Formula 267
Doctor’s Orders 268
Other Major Nutritional Villains 269
We Need to Use Our Noodles 273
ELEVEN Teacher Talk 275
Questions and Answers 276
TWELVE Now the Good News 293
Positive Thinking for Teachers 294
Twenty Years from Now 295
The Flip Side 297
The Posse Update 301
A Personal Movie Review 306
Appendix 309
Index 315
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