
Scientific Foundations of Audiology – eBook

(2 customer reviews)

eBook details

  • Authors: Anthony T. Cacace, Emile de Kleine, Avril G. Holt, Pim van Dijk
  • File Size: 15 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 380 Pages
  • Publisher: Plural Publishing, Inc.; 1st edition
  • Publication Date: May 1, 2016
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: 1597566527
  • ISBN-10: 1597566527, 1944883185
  • ISBN-13: 9781597566520, 9781944883188

Original price was: $144.52.Current price is: $16.00.

Scientific Foundations of Audiology – eBook PDF

With advancements across several scientific and medical fields, professionals in audiology are in an exceptional position to integrate cutting-edge technology with real-world situations. Scientific Foundations of Audiology, (PDF) provides a strong basis and philosophical framework for understanding several domains of hearing science in the setting of contemporary developments in genetics, gene expression, neuroimaging, neurochemistry, bioengineering, cochlear and mid-brain implants, associated speech processing, and understanding, physics, modeling, medicine, molecular biology, and clinical practice.

Key features of this textbook include:

  • Advanced contributions from a stellar array of international, world-class experts
  • Discussion of combining newly developed technology within the clinical practice of audiology
  • Highly technical information presented in a consistent and understandable manner (i.e., concepts without complex equations)

Scientific Foundations of Audiology is geared toward doctoral students in audiology, physics, and engineering; residents in otolaryngology, neurosurgery, neurology, and pediatrics; and those intermediaries between innovation and clinical reality.


Chapter 1. Middle-Ear Reflectance: Concepts and Clinical Applications Jont B. Allen, Sarah R. Robinson, Judi A. Lapsley Miller, Patricia S. Jeng, and Harry Levitt
Chapter 2. Otoacoustic Emissions: Measurement, Modeling, and Applications Glenis Long and Bastian Epp
Chapter 3. The Audiogram: What It Measures, What It Predicts, and What It Misses Anthony T. Cacace and Robert F. Burkard
Chapter 4. Contemporary Issues in Vestibular Assessment Faith W. Akin, Owen D. Murnane, and Kristal Mills Riska
Chapter 5. Genetics of Deafness: In Mice and Men Mirna Mustapha and Avril Genene Holt
Chapter 6. Molecular-Based Measures for the Development of Treatment for Auditory System Disorders: Important Transformative Steps Toward the Treatment of Tinnitus Avril Genene Holt, Catherine A. Martin, Antonela Muca, Angela R. Dixon, and Magnus Bergkvist
Chapter 7. Medical and Surgical Treatment of Inner Ear Disease Lawrence R. Lustig
Chapter 8. The Future of Cochlear Implants Richard Tyler, Paul R. Kileny, Aniruddha K. Deshpande, Shruti Balvalli Deshpande, Camille Dunn, Marlan Hansen, and Bruce Gantz
Chapter 9. Novel Approaches for Protection and Restoration of Hearing Min Young Lee and Yehoash Raphael
Chapter 10. The Olivocochlear System: A Current Understanding of Its Molecular Biology and Functional Roles in Development and Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Douglas E. Vetter
Chapter 11. Current Progress With Auditory Midbrain Implants Hubert H. Lim, James F. Patrick, and Thomas Lenarz
Chapter 12. Perception and Psychoacoustics of Speech in Cochlear Implant Users Deniz Baskent, Etienne Gaudrain, Terrin Nichole Tamati, and Anita Wagner
Chapter 13. Theoretical Considerations in Developing an APD Construct: A Neuroscience Perspective Dennis J. McFarland and Anthony T. Cacace
Chapter 14. Normal Sound Processing: fMRI Stefan Uppenkamp and Roy D. Patterson
Chapter 15. Tinnitus Neurophysiology According to Structural and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Dave R.M. Langers and Emile de Kleine

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Scientific Foundations of Audiology in PDF. No access codes are included.

2 reviews for Scientific Foundations of Audiology – eBook

  1. Gabriella Scott (verified owner)

    Excellent service Easy to buy and the eBook was delivered instantly

  2. Elijah Perry (verified owner)

    Customer support was very helpful, quick resolution.

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