Basic Geriatric Nursing (6th Edition) – eBook PDF
Get ready for a successful career in caring for geriatric populations with Williams’ Basic Geriatric Nursing, 6th Edition, (PDF). This easy-to-read bestseller features the latest information on health care policy and insurance practices and provides the theories and concepts of aging and suitable nursing interventions with a focus on health promotion. Part of the popular LPN/LVN Threads series, it offers opportunities for enhanced learning with extra figures, an interactive new Study Guide on Evolve, and real-world clinical scenarios that assist you to apply concepts to practice.
- 10th-grade reading level makes learning easier.
- Delegation, leadership, and management content integrated throughout.
- Critical Thinking boxes assist you to assimilate and synthesize information.
- Home Health Considerations boxes offer information on home health care for older adult.
- UNIQUE! Streamlined coverage of nutrition and fluid balance combines these essential topics.
- Health Promotion boxes stress health promotion, disease prevention, and age-specific interventions.
- Clinical Situation boxes provide patient scenarios with lessons for appropriate nursing care and patient sensitivity.
- Nursing Process sections offer a framework for the discussion of the nursing care of the elderly patient as related to specific disorders.
- Updated discussion of issues and trends includes demographic factors and economic, cultural considerations, social, and family influences.
- UNIQUE! Complementary and Alternative Therapies boxes address particular therapies commonly used by the geriatric population for health promotion and pain relief.
- Nursing Care Plans with critical thinking questions assist in understanding how a care plan is developed, how to assess the care of a patient, and how to apply knowledge to clinical scenarios.
- Coordinated Care boxes address such topics as elder abuse, restraints, and end-of-life care as related to the responsibilities of nursing assistants and other health care workers who are administered by LPN/LVNs.
- LPN/LVN Threads make learning easier, featuring a suitable reading level, chapter objectives, key terms with phonetic pronunciations and text page references, special features boxes, and full-color art, photographs, and design.
- Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! the section at the end of each chapter includes key points together with new Review Questions for the NCLEX examination and critical thinking which may be used for a small group, individual, or classroom review.
- Complete coverage of important topics includes baby boomers and the influence of their aging on the health care system, therapeutic communication, spiritual influences, cultural considerations, evidence-based practice in geriatric nursing, and elder abuse, restraints, and legal and ethical issues in end-of-life care.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Basic Geriatric Nursing, 6th Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
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