Marketing Metrics (4th Edition) – eBook PDF
Marketing Metrics, 4th Edition, (ePub/PDF) will help you correctly quantify the performance of all your marketing investments, improve marketing ROI, and grow profits. Four prominent experts help you apply today’s best practices for evaluating everything from brand equity to social media, email performance, and rich media interaction.
This updated edition demonstrates how to measure costly sponsorships, explores associations between marketing and financial metrics for current and aspiring C-suite decision-makers; provides better ways to measure omnichannel marketing activities, and includes a new section on accountability and standardization in marketing measurement. As in their best-selling prior editions, the authors presents pros, cons, and practical guidance for every technique they include.
- Build models to maximize planning and decision-making
- Attribute purchase decisions when multiple channels interact
- Apply online, web, social, and mobile metrics more effectively
- Assess marketing’s impact on a publicly-traded firm’s financial objectives
- Understand the associations between search and distribution, and use new online distribution metrics
- Measure promotions, distribution, customer perceptions, advertising, competitor power, margins, product portfolios, pricing, sales forces, and more
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Marketing Metrics 4e in ePub. A converted PDF is available on request. No access codes are included.
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