ALWD Guide to Legal Citation 7th Edition by Carolyn V. Williams, ISBN-13: 978-1543807776
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Aspen Publishing; 7th edition (May 1, 2021)
- Language: English
- 620 pages
- ISBN-10: 1543807771
- ISBN-13: 978-1543807776
Organizing legal citation into 40 thoroughly cogent and illustrated rules, the Guide is the ideal coursebook, supplement, or stand-alone reference for American legal citation. Students, law review staff, scholars, and practitioners can rely on the Guide 7E to provide precise citation rules for the full spectrum of legal sources, consistent with national standards. The clear explanations, examples, diagrams, and quick-reference tables in the Guide make teaching and researching legal citation efficient and stress-free for all.
New to the Seventh Edition:
- Expanded and updated coverage of how to cite to the multitude of e-sources that practitioners and students use when conducting legal research in the real world today, including new and revised component diagrams and examples
- New appendix helps law review staff writers cross-reference the Guide’s citation rules with traditional legal citation standards
- Updated and revised Guide rules that are consistent with traditional legal citation standards
- Appendix 5 free online access to expanded list of periodical titles that can be updated frequently
- Appendix 2 free online access to coverage of local legal citation rules that can be updated frequently
Professors and student will benefit from:
- Coverage of online media, such as e-books, listservs, forums, blogs, and social media
- Tips and directions for finding local rules
- Citing to case reporters, statutes, legislation, and regulations found on e-sources
- “Academic Formatting” icons note differences in citation style between academic legal writing and professional legal writing
- Fast Formats preview and refresh understanding of essential citation components
- Screenshots from electronic sources and snapshots of actual pages
- Sidebars explain the “why” of legal citations and how to avoid common errors
- Sample citation diagrams that illustrate the essential components of citation construction
- Cross-references within each rule connects content in other rules or in the Appendices
- Over 140 subsections with information not found in a traditional legal citation manual
- Detailed Appendices with abbreviations for use in citations and with information not found in other sources such as:
- Peer reviewed local court citation conventions, websites, and other resources
- Additional periodicals with full title abbreviations so writers do not have to memorize spacing rules to assemble abbreviations themselves
- Comprehensive rules for citing federal taxation materials
Table of Contents:
Table of Contents
About the Authors
Acknowledgments to the Seventh Edition
Acknowledgments to Prior Editions
Introductory Material
Citation Basics
Typeface for Citations
Spelling and Capitalization
Numbers in General
Page Numbers
Sections and Paragraphs
Footnotes and Endnotes
Graphical Material, Appendices, and Other Subdivisions
Internal Cross-References
Full and Short Citation Formats
Citing Specific Sources
Statutory Codes and Session Laws
Legislation and Other Legislative Materials
Court Rules, Judicial Administrative Orders, Ethics
Opinions, and Jury Instructions
Administrative and Executive Materials
Treaties and International Conventions and Agreements
Books, Treatises, and Other Nonperiodic Materials
Law Reviews and Other Periodicals
Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and American Law Reports
Restatements, Principles of the Law, Model Codes,
Uniform Laws, and Sentencing Guidelines
Looseleaf Services
Court Documents, Transcripts, and Appellate Records
Speeches, Addresses, and Other Oral Presentations
Interviews, Letters, and Memoranda
Video and Visual Programs, Radio, Audio Recordings,
and Microforms
Forthcoming Works, Unpublished Manuscripts, and
Working Papers
Online Sources
Online Sources in General
Internet Sites and Blogs
Commercial Databases
Email, Listservs, Shared Drives, Other Short Electronic
Messages, and CD-ROMs
Incorporating Citations into Documents
Citation Placement and Use
Order of Cited Authorities
Explanatory Parentheticals, Commentary, and
Altering Quotations
Indicating Omissions from Quotations
Appendix 1. Primary Sources by Jurisdiction
Appendix 2. Local Court Citation Rules
Appendix 3. General Abbreviations
Appendix 4. Court Abbreviations
Appendix 5. Periodicals and Looseleaf Services
Appendix 6. Federal Taxation Materials
Appendix 7. Federal Administrative Agencies and Publications
Appendix 8. Cross-References for Law Reviews
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