
Business Communication: Building Critical Skills 6th Edition ISBN-13: 978-1259089091

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Business Communication: Building Critical Skills 6th Edition by Kathryn Braun, ISBN-13: 978-1259089091

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ McGraw Hill Ryerson; 6th edition (February 1, 2016)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 576 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1259089096
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1259089091

Business Communication: Building Critical Skills is a contemporary, comprehensive, and engaging introduction to the core elements of oral, interpersonal, and written business communication.  The text prepares students for success in a variety of professional settings by detailing the skills and strategies they will need to master to communicate effectively in a diverse and technologically dependent workplace.  The emphasis on intercultural communication,digital communication, report writing, research skills, and employment strategies provides students with everything they need to know about communicating in any business setting. The book’s communication model, PAIBOC, equips students to become audience-focused communicators.

Table of Contents:

UNIT 1 Building Effective Messages
MODULE 1: Introducing Business Communications 1
MODULE 2: Adapting Your Messages to Your Audience 20
MODULE 3: Communicating Culturally 44
MODULE 4: Planning, Writing, and Revising 69
MODULE 5: Designing Documents, Slides, and Screens 87

UNIT 2 Composing Business Messages
MODULE 6: Communicating Electronically 108
MODULE 7: Composing Informative and Positive Messages 127
MODULE 8: Composing Negative Messages 150
MODULE 9: Composing Persuasive Messages 174

UNIT 3 Creating Audience-Focused Messages
MODULE 10: Communicating Audience Benefits 194
MODULE 11: Communicating With Positive Emphasis 211
MODULE 12: Communicating Using You-Attitude 227

UNIT 4 Researching and Reporting
MODULE 13: Researching 240
MODULE 14: Summarizing and Documenting Information 258
MODULE 15: Writing Information Reports 273
MODULE 16: Writing Proposals and Analytical Reports 290
MODULE 17: Writing Formal Reports 307
MODULE 18: Using Visuals to Tell Stories 344

UNIT 5 Building Emotional Intelligence: Interpersonal Communication
MODULE 19: Listening Actively 368
MODULE 20: Working and Writing In Teams 380
MODULE 21: Planning, Managing, and Recording Meetings 398
MODULE 22: Making Presentations 413

UNIT 6 Job Hunting
MODULE 23: Researching Jobs 431
MODULE 24: Creating Persuasive Resumés 446
MODULE 25: Creating Persuasive Application/Cover Letters 469
MODULE 26: Managing the Interview Process 483

APPENDIX A: Revising Sentences and Paragraphs 503
APPENDIX B: Editing for Grammar and Punctuation 518

Stephen Kyo Kaczmarek is an Assistant Professor at Columbus State Community College. He teaches business and technical communication, composition, creative writing, journalism, public relations, freshman experience, and courses in film and literature he has designed. Steve received an M.A. in English and B.A.s in journalism and English from Ohio State. His consulting clients have included Nationwide Insurance, The Ohio Historical Society, The Ohio Association of Historical Societies and Museums, The Ohio Museums Association, United Energy Systems, etc. Prior to joining Columbus State, Steve managed staff development and information for the Franklin County, Ohio, Commissioners.

Kitty O. Locker was an Associate Professor of English at The Ohio State University, where she taught courses in workplace discourse and research methods. She received her B.A. from DePauw University and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana. She also wrote  Business and Administrative Communication (6th ed., Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2003),  The Irwin Business Communication Handbook: Writing and Speaking in Business Classes (1993), and co-edited Conducting Research in Business Communication (1988). Her consulting clients included URS Greiner, Abbott Laboratories, the Ohio Civil Service Employees Association, AT&T, and the American Medical Association. In 1994–95, she served as President of the Association for Business Communication (ABC). From 1997 to 2000, she edited ABC’s  Journal of Business Communication. She received ABC’s Outstanding Researcher Award in 1992 and ABC’s Meada Gibbs Outstanding Teacher Award in 1998.
Kathryn Braun is a professional writer, editor, and training facilitator specializing in business communications and interpersonal leadership skills. Kathryn is a member of the International Association of Business Communicators, the Plain Language Association International, and the Halton/Peel Communications Association. Kathryn taught rhetoric and composition at Sheridan Institute of Technology for 31 years. Currently she trains adults in business and technical report writing, proposal writing, web writing, revising and editing techniques, active listening strategies, influencing others, interpersonal skills, negotiating and reducing conflict, communicating nonverbally, power reading strategies, and designing and delivering persuasive presentations. Kathryn also coaches adults in English pronunciation and interpersonal leadership skills. She has a Masters degree in English and is Myers-Briggs certified.

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2 reviews for Business Communication: Building Critical Skills 6th Edition ISBN-13: 978-1259089091

  1. Daniel Rogers (verified owner)

    Super easy to navigate and fast delivery.

  2. Lily Anderson (verified owner)

    No waiting—eBook delivered instantly.

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