
Construction Contract Claims, Changes, and Dispute Resolution (3rd Edition) – eBook

(2 customer reviews)

eBook details

  • Author: Paul Levin
  • File Size: 6 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 512 Pages
  • Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers; 3rd edition
  • Publication Date: September 5, 2016
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0784414297
  • ISBN-13: 9780784414293

Original price was: $105.00.Current price is: $15.00.

Construction Contract Claims, Changes, and Dispute Resolution (3rd Edition) – eBook PDF

Construction Contract Claims, Changes, and Dispute Resolution, 3rd Edition, (PDF) is the go-to handbook for those included in the preparation, prevention, management, and resolution of claims and change orders on construction projects. For over 40 years, contractors, engineers, owners, and construction managers have turned to this practical guide and its direct, clear approach to solving challenges in construction claims and changes. Comprehensively revised and entirely updated, this third edition adds the expertise of over 30 attorneys and construction consultants who are recognized authorities in the field. Their contributions combinr principles of construction law with practical advice.

Topics include identification and notification; differing site conditions; records and documentation; project schedules; interpretation and requirements of contract specifications; and the critical path method; subcontractors and suppliers; dispute avoidance, pricing; negotiations; resolution, and alternative dispute resolution; and termination. Discussion of delays, acceleration, time extensions, and mitigation of project delays has been expanded to two chapters. New topics in this edition include influences on labor productivity; insurance issues; bonds and liens; and alternative project delivery.

The general guidelines and legal principles provided in this ebook were shaped by the result of federal and heavy construction cases and will prove irreplaceable to those in the private sector, local governments, and commercial construction.

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Construction Contract Claims, Changes, and Dispute Resolution, 3rd Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.

2 reviews for Construction Contract Claims, Changes, and Dispute Resolution (3rd Edition) – eBook

  1. Matthew Hughes (verified owner)

    Really quick and easy—thank you!

  2. William Sanders (verified owner)

    Impressed by the quick delivery and smooth process.

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