
Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective (10th Edition) – eBook

(2 customer reviews)

eBook details

  • Authors: Gary Ferraro, Susan Andreatta
  • File Size: 141 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 484 pages
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning; 10th edition
  • Publication Date: January 1, 2014
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1285738497
  • ISBN-13: 9781285738499

Original price was: $51.00.Current price is: $7.99.


Gary Ferraro

Dr. Gary P. Ferraro received his Ph.D. from the Syracuse University. His specialty is in  Applied Anthropology, Intercultural Communication, Urban Anthropology, and Africa.

Susan Andreatta

Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective (10th Edition) – eBook PDF:

Explore cultural anthropology and its relevance in today’s world with Susan Andreatta and Gary Ferraro’s CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY: AN APPLIED PERSPECTIVE, 10th Edition (PDF). This contemporary ebook provides very interesting real-world examples and applications of the practices and principles of anthropology, helping students and readers appreciate other cultures as well as their own — and apply what they learn to situations in their professional and personal life.

Content / Chapters

  1. What Is Anthropology?
  2. The Concept of Culture.
  3. Applied Anthropology.
  4. The Growth of Anthropological Theory.
  5. Methods in Cultural Anthropology.
  6. Language and Communication.
  7. Subsistence Patterns.
  8. Economics.
  9. Marriage and the Family.
  10. Kinship and Descent.
  11. Sex and Gender.
  12. Social Stratification.
  13. Political Organization and Social Control.
  14. Belief Systems.
  15. Art.
  16. The Modern World Order, Global Challenges, and the Role of Applied Anthropology.

P.S we also have Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective (10th Edition) testbank, instructor manual and other resources for sale. Contact for more info.

NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective 10e in PDF. No online codes included.

2 reviews for Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective (10th Edition) – eBook

  1. Derek Nelson (verified owner)

    eBook was delivered in seconds, very happy with the service.

  2. Isabella Hayes (verified owner)

    eBook arrived instantly, excellent service!

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