
Health Assessment for Nursing Practice (6th Edition) – eBook

(2 customer reviews)

eBook details

  • Authors: Susan F. Wilson, Jean Foret Giddens
  • File Size: 116 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 544 pages
  • Publisher: Mosby; 6th edition
  • Publication Date: September 9, 2016
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B01M3R31I6
  • ISBN-10: 0323377769, 1974803635
  • ISBN-13: 9780323377768, 9781974803637

Original price was: $69.83.Current price is: $6.99.

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Health Assessment for Nursing Practice (6th Edition) – eBook PDF

Today’s nursing students are busier and more pressed for time than ever. The great news is that Health Assessment for Nursing Practice, 6th Edition, (PDF), by Giddens and Wilson caters to student needs by focusing only on the information you need to master the core assessment skills and thrive in clinical practice. In addition to its focused content, you can look forward to easy-to-understand and straightforward language; clean page layouts; vivid photos; and of course the latest information on topical things like electronic documentation, QSEN competencies, and cultural considerations. Plus, with its abundance of engaging learning tools — like procedure videos, case studies, animations, and insightful call-outs — you will be able to maximize your study and learning time! In Health Assessment for Nursing Practice 6e, you get everything you need to master the core assessment skills essential for clinical practice!

  • Review questions in the ebook help assess the reader’s understanding of need-to-know content.
  • The two-column format creates a visual distinction between abnormal and normal findings and techniques.
  • Ethnic, Cultural, and Spiritual Variations boxes help readers anticipate the unique needs of a multicultural patient population.
  • Vivid full-color photos walk students step-by-step through key assessment techniques to better understand key abnormalities.
  • Synthesis and Application of Health Assessment unit detail how to document, conduct and adapt the head-to-toe examination.
  • Easy-to-understand and straightforward coverage give nurses the knowledge and confidence to perform a complete physical examination.
  • Documenting Expected Findings sections demonstrate how to chart normal findings — a perpetual area of struggle among nursing students.
  • Clear differentiation between basic skills and advanced procedures or special-circumstance procedures helps readers pinpoint essential assessments.
  • UNIQUE! Patients with Situational Variations sections address special circumstances or needs for patients in wheelchairs or other limitations and exam variations.
  • UNIQUE! Case studies at the end of each chapter give readers practice in developing clinical reasoning skills in the context of health assessment and physical examination.
  • UNIQUE! Adapting Health Assessment to the Hospitalized Patient chapter explains special techniques for performing a head-to-toe assessment of a patient in a hospital setting.
  • Health Assessment Across the Life Span unit contains four separate chapters that cover all lifespan content, including older adults, pregnant patients, and infants, children, and adolescents.
  • Health Promotion for Evidence-Based Practice boxes apply the U.S. government’s Healthy People 2020 objectives and include thorough discussions of recommendations for health promotion and reducing risk.
  • UNIQUE! Concept Overview boxes present core concepts in the context of health assessment, with discussions of pain, metabolism, perfusion, tissue integrity, oxygenation, motion, sensory perception, and intracranial regulation.
  • UNIQUE! Clinical Reasoning boxes explain the thought process of an experienced nurse making a clinical decision to help readers gain an expert perspective on clinical judgment and the decision-making process in nursing practice.

NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook Health Assessment for Nursing Practice 6th edition in PDF. Access codes or any other material is not included.

2 reviews for Health Assessment for Nursing Practice (6th Edition) – eBook

  1. Elijah Perry (verified owner)

    Great support and super fast delivery, highly recommend.

  2. Chris Morgan (verified owner)

    Amazing service! Received my eBook instantly.

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