Microbiology: The Human Experience – (Preliminary Edition) – eBook PDF
At the heart of Microbiology: The Human Experience, Preliminary Edition, (PDF) are case histories that put basic concepts in a real-world context.
The bones are the steady structure of learning objectives, summaries, and questions that support the clear, accurate, and organized presentation of the content. Its a Case-History based approach.
The connective tissue is an art and highly readable textbook, by two skilled teachers and an experienced physician assistant, which puts infectious disease front and center and highlights contemporary topics like the human microbiome.
“Very readable, and great for allied health majors.” ― Meghan May, Towson University
“Excellent, stimulating, practical, and definitively the book for allied health care students.” ― Lanh Bloodworth, Florida State College at Jacksonville
“I would love to use this chapter to teach the diseases of the urinary system in that it is very well laid out and the material is given how I like it to present it.”
― Charles Vo, University of Arkansas, Fort Smith
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Microbiology: The Human Experience, Preliminary Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
Gavin Carter (verified owner) –
eBook arrived in seconds, thank you!
Abigail Mitchell (verified owner) –
Fantastic experience, highly recommend!