
Reading, Writing and Learning in ESL 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0134014548

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Reading, Writing and Learning in ESL: A Resource Book for Teaching K-12 English Learners 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0134014548
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

528 pages
Publisher: Pearson; 7 edition (January 16, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780134014548
ISBN-13: 978-0134014548

This book is the ideal source for teaching oral language, reading, writing, and the content areas in English to K-12 English learners. In an approach unlike most other books in the field, Reading, Writing, and Learning in ESL looks at contemporary language acquisition theory as it relates to instruction and provides detailed suggestions and methods for motivating, involving, and teaching English language learners. Praised for its strong research base, engaging style, and inclusion of specific teaching ideas, the book offers thorough coverage of oral language, reading, writing, and academic content area instruction in English for K-12 English learners. Thoroughly updated throughout, the new edition includes a new chapter on using the Internet and other digital technologies to engage students and promote learning, many new teaching strategies, new and revised activities, and new writing samples. The Enhanced Pearson eText features embedded videos and assessments.

About the Author

Suzanne Peregoy is Professor Emerita of Education, San Francisco State University, where she coordinated the M.A. and Reading/Language Arts Specialist Credential programs while also teaching courses in language and literacy development. She earned an M.A. in Spanish literature and linguistics from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her Ph.D. in language and literacy from the University of California, Berkeley, focused on bilingual reading, second language acquisition, and language issues in American Indian education. Previously, Professor Peregoy taught ESL to adults. She also taught primary grades in a Spanish-English bilingual education program, and directed a multicultural preschool program. Dr. Peregoy was active in writing California’s guidelines for preparing in-service teachers to work with English language learners. She has published articles on bilingual and second language literacy in the Journal of the National Association for Bilingual Education, The Reading Teacher, Canadian Modern Language Review, Educational Issues of Language Minority Students, Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, and Theory into Practice. Dr. Peregoy is fluent in Spanish.

Owen Boyle is Professor Emeritus of Education, San Jose State University, where he coordinated the Bilingual and ESL Program, chaired the Language and Literacy Department, and headed the Reading Specialist Credential and M.A. programs in literacy. At San Jose State Professor Boyle taught courses in second language literacy, language acquisition and reading, multicultural literature, and reading assessment. He received his doctorate at the University of California, where he was Coordinator of the Learning from Text Program and researched and taught students. As Assistant Director of the Bay Area Writing Project (National Writing Project), Owen worked with teachers from all over the world including those from Germany, Panama, Alaska, and California. He served on the California State Superintendent’s panel that developed guidelines for preparing teachers of reading and was instrumental in developing a reading instruction test required for a California multiple subject teaching credential. He has published articles and research in Journal of Educational Issues of Language Minority Students, Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Bilingual Research Journal, Journal of the Association of Mexican-American Educators, Journal of College Reading and Learning, The Reading Teacher, and Reading Research and Instruction. He taught elementary and secondary school where he worked with second language learners for 12 years.

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2 reviews for Reading, Writing and Learning in ESL 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0134014548

  1. Andrew Carter (verified owner)

    Excellent service, eBook delivered in no time.

  2. Henry Russell (verified owner)

    Very smooth transaction, quick delivery.

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