
The Handbook of Drugs and Society, ISBN-13: 978-1118726792

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The Handbook of Drugs and Society, ISBN-13: 978-1118726792
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

Series: Wiley Handbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice
664 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (December 14, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1118726790
ISBN-13: 978-1118726792

From the Back Cover

The Handbook of Drugs and Society provides a comprehensive examination of the past and present roles of drugs in society with a focus on theory, research, policy, and practice. Edited by a noted scholar in the field and written by top social and behavioral scientists, it includes 27 original chapters with multidisciplinary and international perspectives. Each chapter reviews current knowledge in the field, including key research findings, theoretical developments, and methodological debates, and identifies ongoing controversies in the field, emergent topics, and areas in need of further inquiry. The coverage is broad and complete with discussion of individual drugs, as well as topics like physiological theories of drug use and abuse, public health implications of drugs, patterns of drugs and crime, international drug trade and trafficking, prevention of drug use and treatment of drug abuse, and designer drugs. Filled with up-to-date and engaging material, this collection provides important insights for scholars and practitioners in a field of high stakes and consequences for individuals and societies around the globe.

About the Author

Henry H. Brownstein is a Senior Fellow in the Substance Abuse, Mental Health, and Criminal Justice Studies Department at NORC- at the University of Chicago, USA and Professor and Director of the Center for Public Policy at the Wilder School at Virginia Commonwealth University, USA. He is the author of several books, including The Methamphetamine Industry in America: Transnational Cartels and Local Entrepreneurs (2014), Contemporary Drug Policy (2013), and The Social Reality of Violence and Violent Crime (2000).

Table of contents

List of Contributors x

Notes on Contributors xiii

Acknowledgements xxi

Part I Understanding Drugs in Society 1

1 Drugs and Society 3
Henry H. Brownstein

Part II The Use and Marketing of Particular Drugs in Society 15

2 Alcohol: Wide Ranging Problems, Inadequate Responses 17
Norman Giesbrecht and Robin Room

3 Global Marijuana Cultivation and Societal Place Because and In Spite of US Policy and Perception 53
Charles Hogan and Scott Jacques

4 Heroin and Other Opiates 72
Timothy W. Kinlock and Michael S. Gordon

5 Cocaine Powder and Crack Cocaine: A Changeable History? 90
Paul Gootenberg

6 Methamphetamine 109
Ralph A. Weisheit

7 Prescription Drugs 128
Brian C. Kelly and Mark Pawson

8 Designer Drugs 149
Dina Perrone

Part III Explaining the Place of Drugs in Society 175

9 Drug Use as a Socially Constructed Problem 177
Peter J. Venturelli

10 Social Scientific Theories of Drug Use, Abuse, and Addiction 197
Stephen J. Bahr and John P. Hoffmann

11 The Intersection between Neurobiological and Psychological Theories of Substance Use Disorders 218
Arielle R. Baskin]Sommers and Bridget A. Hearon

Part IV Studying Drugs in Society 237

12 Ethnographic Studies of Drugs in Communities 239
Sheigla Murphy, Paloma Sales, and Sheigla Averill

13 Measurement and Design Challenges in the Study of Drugs and Society 258
Eric L. Sevigny and Brian Fuleihan

Part V What We Know and Do Not Know about Drugs and Public Health and Safety 283

14 What Has Been Learned from Research on the Drugs–Crime Connection? 285
Trevor Bennett and Jason Edwards

15 The Impact of Illicit Drugs on Public Health 300
Louisa Degenhardt and Wayne D. Hall

16 Research on Drugs and Social Characteristics 320
Kathryn M. Nowotny, Jessica Frankeberger, and Alice Cepeda

17 Public Safety and Public Health in a Geographic and Economic Context 335
Paul Draus and Juliette Roddy

Part VI Drugs and Adverse Social Experience 369

18 Drugs and Violent Crime 371
Henry H. Brownstein

19 Drugs and Violence in Personal and Intimate Relationships 387
Deborah Baskin and Ira Sommers

20 Markets and Distribution Systems: The Birth, Growth, and Transformation of UK Drug Markets 416
Tiggey May and Bina Bhardwa

Part VII Drugs as an Illicit Enterprise 443

21 The Criminalization of (Some) Drug Involved People 445
Neil McKeganey

22 The Culture and Subcultures of Illicit Drug Use and Distribution 460
Geoffrey Hunt and Karen Joe Laidler

23 Displacement Effects of Supply Reduction Policies in Latin America: A Tipping Point in Cocaine Trafficking, 2006–2008 482
Juan Carlos Garzón and John Bailey

Part VIII Responding to the Problem and Problems of Drugs in Society 505

24 Drug Law Enforcement 507
Andrew Golub, Alex S. Bennett, and Luther C. Elliott

25 Drug Abuse Prevention through Early Childhood Intervention 525
Elizabeth B. Robertson, Belinda E. Sims, and Eve E. Reider

26 Dealing with Drug Users: Treatment 555
TaLisa J. Carter and Daniel O’Connell

27 Drug Policy in the United States: A Dynamic Multilevel Experimental Environment 574
Duane C. McBride and Yvonne Terry McElrath

Index 594

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2 reviews for The Handbook of Drugs and Society, ISBN-13: 978-1118726792

  1. Brandon Peterson (verified owner)

    Perfect service Fast efficient and absolutely no issues

  2. Jasmine Carter (verified owner)

    Excellent support, my issue was resolved quickly.

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