The Handbook of Law and Society, ISBN-13: 978-1118701461
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
Series: Wiley Handbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice
488 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (June 22, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1118701461
ISBN-13: 978-1118701461
From the Back Cover
Fifty years have passed since the establishment of this multi-disciplinary and rapidly expanding field and since that time, the field has grown to encompass an array of disciplines, methods, perspectives and purposes. Bringing a timely synthesis to the field, The Handbook of Law and Society presents a comprehensive overview of key research findings, theoretical developments, and methodological controversies in the field of law and society.
Contributions from 36 international scholars working across the disciplines of legal studies and social sciences explore the fields’ expanding frontiers. Utilizing a global approach to law and society, chapters address a wide range of topics that include the widening gap between codified laws and “law in action”, problems in the implementation of legal decisions, law’s constitutive role in shaping society, the importance of law in everyday life, ways legal institutions both embrace and resist change, the impact of new media and technologies on law, intersections of law and identity, law’s relationship to social consensus and conflict, and many more. Chapters provide in-depth coverage of each topic, including its evolution, current state, and directions for future research.
Informed by the latest scholarship, The Handbook of Law and Society is an invaluable resource for myriad issues relating to the complex relationship between society and the legal process in the twenty-first century world.
About the Author
Patricia Ewick is Professor of Sociology at Clark University. She is the co-author of The Common Place of Law (1998) and Social Science, Social Policy and Law (1999). She is also former co-editor of Studies in Law, Politics and Society and former Associate Editor of the Law & Society Review.
Austin Sarat is William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Science at Amherst College and Hugo L. Black Visiting Senior Scholar at the University of Alabama School of Law. He is the author or editor of more than 90 books, including Gruesome Spectacles: Botched Executions and America’s Death Penalty (2014); When the State Kills: Capital Punishment in Law, Politics, and Culture (2002); The Blackwell Companion to Law and Society (Wiley Blackwell, 2004); and Mercy on Trial: What It Means to Stop an Execution (2007).
Table of contents
Notes on Contributors viii
On the Emerging Maturity of Law and Society: An Introduction xiii
Patricia Ewick and Austin Sarat
Part I Setting the Stage 1
1 What is Law and Society? Definitional Disputes 3
Susan M. Sterett
2 Charting the “Classics” in Law and Society: The Development of the Field over the Past Half Century 18
Calvin Morrill and Kelsey Mayo
Part II Approaches to the Study of Law as a Social Phenomenon 37
3 Mapping a Cultural Studies of Law 39
Naomi Mezey
4 Approaches to the Study of Law as a Social Phenomenon: Legal History 56
Kunal M. Parker
5 Legal Ethnographies and Ethnographic Law 71
Susan Bibler Coutin and Veronique Fortin
6 Just a Thought? Instantiations and Constructions of Procedural Justice 85
Mary R. Rose
Part III Institutional Processes and Actors 103
7 Lawyers and the Legal Profession 105
Ronit Dinovitzer and Bryant Garth
8 Courts and Judges: The Legitimacy Imperative and the Importance of Appearances 118
Keith J. Bybee and Angela G. Narasimhan
9 Jurors and Juries 134
Nancy S. Marder
10 Upside Down and Inside Out: Regulators and Regulatory Processes in Contemporary Perspective 150
Bronwen Morgan
11 Using Public Law to Shape Private Organizations 168
Cary Coglianese and Jennifer Nash
12 Police and Policing 183
Jennifer D. Wood
Part IV Domains of Legal Policy 197
13 Domains of Policy: Law and Society Research on the Family 199
Annie Bunting
14 Domains of Policy: Law and Society Perspectives on Antidiscrimination Law 212
Donna E. Young
15 Domains of Policy: Law and Society Perspectives on Punishment and Social Control 228
Keramet Reiter
16 Welfare Law 244
Vicki Lens
17 Immigration Law and Immigrants’ Lived Experiences 258
Leisy J. Abrego
18 The Return of Religion: The Rise, Decline, and Possible Resurrection of Legal Secularism 274
Nomi Maya Stolzenberg
19 Human Rights 291
Heinz Klug
20 More than Human Legalities: Advocating an “Animal Turn” in Law and Society 307
Irus Braverman
21 Law and Disability 322
Katharina Heyer
Part V How Does Law Matter? 337
22 The Constitution of Identity: Law and Race 339
Osagie K. Obasogie
23 The Constitution of Identity: New Modalities of Nationality, Citizenship, Belonging and Being 351
Eve Darian Smith
24 The Past, Present, and Future of Rights Scholarship 367
Jeffrey R. Dudas, Jonathan Goldberg Hiller and Michael W. McCann
25 Law and Social Movements: Old Debates and New Directions 382
Sandra R. Levitsky
26 The Rule of Law and Economic Development: Global Scripts, Vernacular Translations 399
Ritu Birla
27 Law and Colonialism: Legacies and Lineages 417
Renisa Mawani
28 Law and Globalism: Law without the State as Law without Violence 433
Julieta Lemaitre
Index 446
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