Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5 10th Edition by Terry Felke-Morris, ISBN-13: 978-0135919996
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Pearson; 10th edition (April 16, 2020)
- Language: English
- 720 pages (55 MB)
- ISBN-10: 0135919991
- ISBN-13: 978-0135919996
Give students a well-rounded introduction to web development and design.
Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5 introduces HTML and CSS topics such as text configuration, color configuration, and page layout, with an enhanced focus on the topics of design, accessibility, and Web standards. The text relates both the necessary hard skills (such as HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript) and soft skills (design, e-commerce, and promotion strategies) considered fundamental to contemporary web development. An emphasis on hands-on practice provides a well-rounded foundation to help students as they pursue careers as web professionals. The updated and expanded 10th Edition contains current coverage of HTML5, expanded coverage of designing for mobile devices, and more.
This is an exciting time to be in the field of web development — HTML5 and new CSS Grid and Flexbox layout systems! The field is constantly changing and this book provides a well-rounded foundation in coding and design concepts. The approach of the book reflects my personal philosophy of teaching web development and emphasizes hands-on practice exercises. Case studies are included throughout the book to provide students an opportunity to apply their new skills. The eText includes interactive questions, embedded videos, and review flashcards for each chapter. The textbook companion website at webdevfoundations.net has a page for each chapter with hyperlinks for websites listed in the book, information on emerging trends, additional examples, corrections, and review games. Instructor materials are available from the publisher’s website.
Table of Contents:
1. Web Development & Design Foundations with HTML5
2. Web Development & Design Foundations with HTML5
3. Preface
A. New to This Edition
B. Organization of the Text
C. Brief Overview of Each Chapter
D. Features of the Text
E. Supplemental Materials
F. About the Author
4. Contents
5. 1 Introduction to the Internet and World Wide Web
A. Chapter Objectives
B. 1.1 The Internet and the Web
1. The Internet
2. Birth of the Internet
3. Growth of the Internet
4. Birth of the Web
5. The First Graphical Browser
6. Convergence of Technologies
7. Who Runs the Internet?
8. Intranets and Extranets
C. 1.2 Web Standards and Accessibility
1. W3C Recommendations
2. Web Standards and Accessibility
3. Accessibility and the Law
4. Universal Design for the Web
D. 1.3 Information on the Web
1. Reliability and Information on the Web
2. Ethical Use of Information on the Web
E. 1.4 Network Overview
F. 1.5 The Client/Server Model
G. 1.6 Internet Protocols
1. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
2. E-mail Protocols
3. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
4. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
5. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
a. TCP
b. IP
H. 1.7 Uniform Resource Identifiers and Domain Names
1. URIs and URLs
2. Domain Names
a. Top-Level Domain Names
b. Generic Top-Level Domain Names (gTLDs)
c. Country-Code Top-Level Domain Names
d. Domain Name System (DNS)
I. 1.8 Markup Languages
1. Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
2. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
3. Extensible Markup Language (XML)
4. Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML)
5. HTML5—the Newest Version of HTML
J. 1.9 Popular Uses of the Web
1. E-Commerce
2. Mobile Access
3. Blogs
4. Wikis
5. Social Networking
6. Cloud Computing
7. RSS
8. Podcasts
9. Constant Change
K. Chapter Summary
L. Key Terms
M. Review Questions
1. Multiple Choice
2. True or False
3. Fill in the Blank
N. Hands-On Exercise
O. Web Research
P. Focus on Web Design
6. 2 HTML Basics
A. Chapter Objectives
B. 2.1 HTML Overview
2. XML
4. HTML5
C. 2.2 Document Type Definition
D. 2.3 Web Page Template
E. 2.4 HTML Element
F. 2.5 Head, Title, Meta, and Body Elements
1. The Head Section
a. The Head Element
b. The Title Element
c. The Meta Element
2. The Body Section
a. The Body Element
G. 2.6 Your First Web Page
H. 2.7 Heading Element
1. Accessibility and Headings
I. 2.8 Paragraph Element
1. Alignment
J. 2.9 Line Break Element
K. 2.10 Blockquote Element
L. 2.11 Phrase Elements
M. 2.12 Ordered List
1. The Type, Start, and Reversed Attributes
N. 2.13 Unordered List
O. 2.14 Description List
P. 2.15 Special Characters
Q. 2.16 Structural Elements
1. Div Element
2. Header Element
3. Nav Element
4. Main Element
5. Footer Element
6. Section Element
7. Article Element
8. Aside Element
9. Time Element
R. 2.17 Hyperlinks
1. The A Element
2. The Href Attribute
3. Absolute Hyperlinks
4. Relative Hyperlinks
5. Site Map
6. The Target Attribute
7. Block Anchor
8. E-Mail Hyperlinks
9. Accessibility and Hyperlinks
S. 2.18 HTML Validation
T. Chapter Summary
U. Key Terms
V. Review Questions
1. Multiple Choice
2. Fill in the Blank
3. Short Answer
W. Apply Your Knowledge
X. Hands-On Exercises
Y. Web Research
Z. Focus on Web Design
7. 3 Configuring Color and Text with CSS
A. Chapter Objectives
B. 3.1 Overview of Cascading Style Sheets
1. Advantages of Cascading Style Sheets
2. Configuring Cascading Style Sheets
3. CSS Selectors and Declarations
4. The Property
5. The Property
6. Configure Background and Text Color
C. 3.2 Using Color on Web Pages
1. Hexadecimal Color Values
2. Web-Safe Colors
3. CSS Color Syntax
D. 3.3 Inline CSS with the Style Attribute
1. The Style Attribute
E. 3.4 Embedded CSS with the Style Element
1. Style Element
F. 3.5 Configuring Text with CSS
1. The Property
2. More CSS Text Properties
a. The Property
b. The Property
c. The Property
d. The Property
e. The Property
f. The Property
g. The Property
h. The Property
i. The Property
j. The Property
k. The Property
l. The Property
G. 3.6 CSS Class, Id, and Descendant Selectors
1. The Class Selector
2. The Id Selector
3. The Descendant Selector
H. 3.7 Span Element
I. 3.8 Using External Style Sheets
1. Link Element
J. 3.9 Center HTML Elements with CSS
K. 3.10 The “Cascade”
L. 3.11 CSS Validation
M. Chapter Summary
N. Key Terms
O. Review Questions
1. Multiple Choice
2. Fill in the Blank
P. Apply Your Knowledge
Q. Hands-On Exercises
R. Web Research
S. Focus on Web Design
8. 4 Visual Elements and Graphics
A. Chapter Objectives
B. 4.1 Configuring Lines and Borders
1. Horizontal Rule Element
2. The and Properties
a. The Property
b. The Property
c. The Property
C. 4.2 Graphics on the Web
1. Graphic Interchange Format (GIF)
a. Transparency
b. Animation
c. Compression
d. Optimization
e. Interlacing
2. Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
a. Compression
b. Optimization
c. Progressive JPEG
3. Portable Network Graphic (PNG)
4. WebP Image Format
5. Popular Graphics Applications
D. 4.3 Img Element
1. Accessibility and Images
2. Image Hyperlinks
3. Accessibility and Image Hyperlinks
E. 4.4 More Visual Elements
1. Figure and Figcaption Elements
2. Meter Element
3. Progress Element
F. 4.5 Background Images
1. The Property
a. Using Both Background Color and a Background Image
2. Browser Display of a Background Image
3. The Property
4. The Property
5. The Property
6. The Property
7. The Property
8. The Property
9. Multiple Background Images
G. 4.6 More About Images
1. Image Maps
a. Map Element
b. Area Element
c. Exploring a Rectangular Image Map
2. The Favorites Icon
3. Configuring a Favorites Icon
4. CSS Sprites
H. 4.7 Sources and Guidelines for Graphics
1. Sources of Graphics
2. Guidelines for Using Images
a. Reuse Images
b. Consider the Size vs. Quality Issue
c. Consider Image Load Time
d. Use Appropriate Resolution
e. Specify Dimensions
f. Be Aware of Brightness and Contrast
3. Accessibility and Visual Elements
I. 4.8 CSS Visual Effects
1. CSS Rounded Corners
2. The Property
3. The Property
4. CSS RGBA Color
5. CSS HSLA Color
a. Hue, Saturation, Lightness, and Alpha
b. HSLA Color Examples
6. CSS Gradients
a. Linear Gradient Syntax
b. Radial Gradient Syntax
c. CSS Gradients and Progressive Enhancement
J. Chapter Summary
K. Key Terms
L. Review Questions
1. Multiple Choice
2. Fill in the Blank
M. Apply Your Knowledge
N. Hands-On Exercises
O. Web Research
P. Focus on Web Design
9. 5 Web Design
A. Chapter Objectives
B. 5.1 Design for Your Target Audience
C. 5.2 Website Organization
1. Hierarchical Organization
2. Linear Organization
3. Random Organization
D. 5.3 Principles of Visual Design
1. Repetition: Repeat Visual Components Throughout the Design
2. Contrast: Add Visual Excitement and Draw Attention
3. Proximity: Group Related Items
4. Alignment: Align Elements to Create Visual Unity
E. 5.4 Design to Provide Accessibility
1. Who Benefits from Universal Design and Increased Accessibility?
2. Accessible Design Can Benefit Search Engine Listing
3. Accessibility is the Right Thing to Do
F. 5.5 Writing for the Web
1. Organize Your Content
2. Choosing a Font
3. Font Size
4. Font Weight
5. Font Color Contrast
6. Line Length
7. Alignment
8. Text in Hyperlinks
9. Reading Level
10. Spelling and Grammar
G. 5.6 Use of Color
1. Color Scheme Based on an Image
2. Color Wheel
a. Shades, Tints, and Tones
3. Color Scheme Based on the Color Wheel
a. Monochromatic Color Scheme
b. Analogous Color Scheme
c. Complementary Color Scheme
d. Split Complementary Color Scheme
e. Triadic Color Scheme
f. Tetradic Color Scheme
4. Implementing a Color Scheme
5. Accessibility and Color
6. Colors and Your Target Audience
H. 5.7 Use of Graphics and Multimedia
1. File Size and Image Dimensions Matter
2. Antialiased/Aliased Text in Media
3. Use Only Necessary Multimedia
4. Provide Alternate Text
I. 5.8 More Design Considerations
1. Mobile Devices
2. Browsers
3. Screen Resolution
4. White Space
5. Flat Web Design
6. Single Page Website
J. 5.9 Navigation Design
1. Ease of Navigation
2. Navigation Bars
3. Breadcrumb Navigation
4. Using Graphics for Navigation
5. Skip Repetitive Navigation
6. Dynamic Navigation
7. Site Map
8. Site Search Feature
K. 5.10 Page Layout Design
1. Wireframes and Page Layout
2. Page Layout Design Techniques
a. Fixed Layout
b. Fluid Layout
L. 5.11 Design for the Mobile Web
1. Mobile Web Design Considerations
2. Optimize Layout for Mobile Use
3. Optimize Navigation for Mobile Use
4. Optimize Graphics for Mobile Use
5. Optimize Text for Mobile Use
6. Mobile Design Quick Checklist
M. 5.12 Responsive Web Design
N. 5.13 Web Design Best Practices Checklist
O. Chapter Summary
P. Key Terms
Q. Review Questions
1. Multiple Choice
2. Fill in the Blank
3. Short Answer
R. Hands-On Exercises
S. Web Research
T. Focus on Web Design
10. 6 Page Layout
A. Chapter Objectives
B. 6.1 Width and Height with CSS
1. The Property
2. The Property
3. The Property
4. The Property
C. 6.2 The Box Model
1. Content
2. Padding
3. Border
4. Margin
a. The margin Property
5. The Box Model in Action
D. 6.3 Normal Flow
E. 6.4 CSS Float
F. 6.5 CSS Clearing a Float
1. The Property
a. Clear a Float with a Line Break
b. Another Technique to Clear a Float
2. The Property
a. Clear a Float
b. Configure Scrollbars
G. 6.6 CSS Box Sizing
H. 6.7 CSS Two-Column Layout
1. Your First Two-Column Layout
2. Two-Column Layout Example
a. Not Yet Ready for Prime Time
I. 6.8 Hyperlinks in an Unordered List
1. Configure List Markers with CSS
a. Configure an Image as a List Marker
2. Vertical Navigation with an Unordered List
a. Configure with CSS
b. Remove the Underline with CSS
3. The Property
4. Horizontal Navigation with an Unordered List
a. Configure with CSS
J. 6.9 CSS Interactivity with Pseudo-Classes
1. CSS Button
K. 6.10 CSS Sprites
L. 6.11 CSS for Printing
1. Print Styling Best Practices
M. 6.12 Positioning with CSS
1. Static Positioning
2. Fixed Positioning
3. Relative Positioning
4. Sticky Positioning
5. Absolute Positioning
6. Practice with Positioning
N. 6.13 Fixed Position Navigation Bar
1. The property
O. 6.14 Single Page Website
1. Fragment Identifiers
2. Parallax Scrolling
P. Chapter Summary
Q. Key Terms
R. Review Questions
1. Multiple Choice
2. Fill in the Blank
S. Apply Your Knowledge
T. Hands-On Exercises
U. Web Research
V. Focus on Web Design
11. 7 Responsive Page Layout
A. Chapter Objectives
B. 7.1 CSS Flexible Box Layout
1. Configure a Flexible Container
2. The Property
3. The Property
4. The Property
C. 7.2 More About Flex Containers
1. Flow Direction
2. The Property
3. The Property
4. The Property
5. Flexbox Image Gallery
D. 7.3 Configure Flex Items
1. Proportional Flexible Item
2. The Property
3. Practice with Flexbox
E. 7.4 CSS Grid Layout
1. Configure a Grid Container
2. The Property
3. Designing a Grid
4. Configure Grid Columns and Grid Rows
F. 7.5 Grid Columns, Rows, and Gap
1. Grid Gap
2. The Property
G. 7.6 Two-Column Grid Page Layout
1. Configure Grid Columns and Rows
2. Configure Grid Items
3. Grid Line Numbers
a. Configure a Grid Page Layout with Grid Line Numbers
H. 7.7 Layout with Grid Areas
1. The Property
2. The Property
3. The Property
I. 7.8 Progressive Enhancement with Grid
1. CSS Feature Query
J. 7.9 Centering with Flexbox and Grid
K. 7.10 Viewport Meta Tag
L. 7.11 CSS Media Queries
1. What’s a Media Query?
2. Media Query Example Using a Link Element
3. Media Query Example Using an Rule
4. Mobile First
M. 7.12 Responsive Layout with Media Queries
N. 7.13 Responsive Grid Layout with Media Queries
O. 7.14 Responsive Images
1. Flexible Images with CSS
2. Picture Element
a. Source Element
3. Responsive Img Element Attributes
a. The Attribute
b. The Attribute
c. Explore Responsive Images
P. 7.15 Testing Mobile Display
1. Testing with a Desktop Browser
2. Browser Viewport Size
3. Responsive Testing Tools
4. For Serious Developers Only
Q. Chapter Summary
R. Key Terms
S. Review Questions
1. Multiple Choice
2. Fill in the Blank
T. Apply Your Knowledge
U. Hands-On Exercises
V. Web Research
W. Focus on Web Design
12. 8 Tables
A. Chapter Objectives
B. 8.1 Table Overview
1. Table Element
2. The Border Attribute
3. Table Captions
C. 8.2 Table Rows, Cells, and Headers
1. Table Row Element
2. Table Data Element
3. Table Header Element
D. 8.3 Span Rows and Columns
1. The Colspan Attribute
2. The Rowspan Attribute
E. 8.4 Configure an Accessible Table
F. 8.5 Style a Table with CSS
G. 8.6 CSS Structural Pseudo-Classes
H. 8.7 Configure Table Sections
I. Chapter Summary
J. Key Terms
K. Review Questions
1. Multiple Choice
2. Fill in the Blank
L. Apply Your Knowledge
M. Hands-On Exercises
N. Web Research
O. Focus on Web Design
13. 9 Forms
A. Chapter Objectives
B. 9.1 Overview of Forms
1. Form Element
2. Form Controls
C. 9.2 Input Element Form Controls
1. Text Box
2. Submit Button
3. Reset Button
4. Check Box
5. Radio Button
6. Hidden Input Control
7. File Upload Control
8. Password Box
D. 9.3 Scrolling Text Box
1. Textarea Element
E. 9.4 Select List
1. Select Element
2. Option Element
F. 9.5 Image Buttons and the Button Element
1. Image Button
2. Button Element
G. 9.6 Accessibility and Forms
1. Label Element
2. Fieldset and Legend Elements
3. The Tabindex Attribute
4. The Accesskey Attribute
H. 9.7 Style a Form with CSS
1. Form with CSS Float
2. Form with CSS Grid Layout
I. 9.8 Server-Side Processing
1. Privacy and Forms
2. Server-Side Processing Resources
a. Sources of Free Remote-Hosted Form Processing
b. Sources of Free Server-Side Scripts
c. Exploring Server-Side Processing Technologies
J. 9.9 HTML5 Form Controls
1. E-mail Address Input
2. URL Input
3. Telephone Number Input
4. Search Field Input
5. Datalist Form Control
6. Slider Form Control
7. Spinner Form Control
8. Date and Time Form Control
9. Color-well Form Control
10. Progressive Enhancement
K. Chapter Summary
L. Key Terms
M. Review Questions
1. Multiple Choice
2. Fill in the Blank
3. Short Answer
N. Apply Your Knowledge
O. Hands-On Exercises
P. Web Research
Q. Focus on Web Design
14. 10 Web Development
A. Chapter Objectives
B. 10.1 Successful Large-Scale Project Development
1. Project Job Roles
a. Project Manager
b. Information Architect
c. User Experience Designer
d. Marketing Representative
e. Copywriter and Editor
f. Content Manager
g. Graphic Designer
h. Database Administrator
i. Network Administrator
j. Web Developer/Web Designer
2. Project Staffing Criteria
C. 10.2 The Development Process
1. Conceptualization
2. Analysis
3. Design
4. Production
5. Testing
a. Automated Testing Tools and Validators
b. Accessibility Testing
c. Usability Testing
6. Launch
7. Maintenance
8. Evaluation
D. 10.3 File Organization
1. Relative Hyperlink Examples
E. 10.4 Domain Name Overview
1. Choosing a Domain Name
2. Registering a Domain Name
F. 10.5 Web Hosting
1. Web Hosting Providers
a. Types of Web Hosting
G. 10.6 Choosing a Virtual Host
H. Chapter Summary
I. Key Terms
J. Review Questions
1. Multiple Choice
2. Fill in the Blank
3. Short Answer
K. Hands-On Exercises
L. Web Research
M. Focus on Web Design
15. 11 Web Multimedia and Interactivity
A. Chapter Objectives
B. 11.1 Containers and Codecs
C. 11.2 Getting Started with Audio and Video
1. Provide a Hyperlink
2. Working with Multimedia on the Web
a. More About Audio Files
b. More About Video Files
c. Multimedia and Accessibility Issues
D. 11.3 Audio and Video Elements
1. Audio Element
2. Source Element
3. Audio on a Web Page
4. Video Element
5. Source Element
6. Video on a Web Page
E. 11.4 Multimedia Files and Copyright Law
F. 11.5 CSS and Interactivity
1. CSS Drop Down Menu
2. The Property
3. Rotate Transform
4. Scale Transform
a. Explore Transforms
5. The Property
a. Explore Transitions
6. CSS Animations
7. Define an Animation with Rule
8. Apply the Animation
a. Explore CSS Animation
G. 11.6 Details and Summary Elements
1. Details Element
2. Summary Element
3. Details & Summary Widget
H. 11.7 JavaScript
1. JavaScript Resources
I. 11.8 Ajax
1. Ajax Resources
J. 11.9 jQuery
1. jQuery Resources
K. 11.10 HTML5 APIs
1. Geolocation
2. Web Storage
3. Progressive Web Application
4. Drawing with the Canvas Element
a. HTML5 API Resources
L. 11.11 Multimedia, Animation, and Interactivity Accessibility Issues
M. Chapter Summary
N. Key Terms
O. Review Questions
1. Multiple Choice
2. Fill in the Blank
3. Short Answer
P. Apply Your Knowledge
Q. Hands-On Exercises
R. Web Research
S. Focus on Web Design
16. 12 E-Commerce Overview
A. Chapter Objectives
B. 12.1 What Is E-Commerce?
1. Advantages of E-Commerce
2. Risks of E-Commerce
C. 12.2 E-Commerce Business Models
D. 12.3 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
E. 12.4 E-Commerce Statistics
F. 12.5 E-Commerce Issues
G. 12.6 E-Commerce Security
1. Encryption
a. Symmetric-Key Encryption
b. Asymmetric-Key Encryption
2. Integrity
3. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
4. Digital Certificate
5. SSL and Digital Certificates
H. 12.7 Order and Payment Processing
1. Credit Card
2. Stored-value Card
3. Digital Wallet
4. Digital Cash
I. 12.8 E-Commerce Technology Solutions
1. Instant Online Storefront
2. Shopping Cart Software
3. E-Commerce Platform
J. Chapter Summary
K. Key Terms
L. Review Questions
1. Multiple Choice
2. Fill in the Blank
3. Short Answer
M. Hands-On Exercises
N. Web Research
O. Focus on Web Design
17. 13 Web Promotion
A. Chapter Objectives
B. 13.1 Search Engine Overview
C. 13.2 Popular Search Engines
D. 13.3 Components of a Search Engine
1. Robot
2. Database
3. Search Form
E. 13.4 Search Engine Optimization
1. Keywords
2. Page Titles
3. Heading Tags
4. Description
5. Description Meta Tag
6. Linking
7. Images and Multimedia
8. Valid Code
9. Content of Value
10. HTTPS Protocol
F. 13.5 Submitting your Website to a Search Engine
1. Map Your Site
G. 13.6 Monitoring Search Listings
H. 13.7 Link Popularity
I. 13.8 Social Media Optimization
1. Blogs
2. Social Networking
J. 13.9 Other Site Promotion Activities
1. Quick Response (QR) Codes
2. Affiliate Programs
3. Banner Ads
4. Banner Exchange
5. Reciprocal Link Agreements
6. Newsletters
7. Sticky Site Features
8. Personal Recommendations
9. Website Forum Postings
10. Traditional Media Ads and Existing Marketing Materials
K. 13.10 Serving Dynamic Content with Inline Frames
1. Iframe Element
2. Video in an Inline Frame
L. Chapter Summary
M. Key Terms
N. Review Questions
1. Multiple Choice
a. Fill in the Blank
O. Hands-On Exercises
P. Web Research
Q. Focus on Web Design
18. 14 A Brief Look at JavaScript and jQuery
A. Chapter Objectives
B. 14.1 Overview of JavaScript
C. 14.2 The Development of JavaScript
D. 14.3 Popular Uses for JavaScript
1. Alert Message
2. Popup Windows
3. Jump Menus
4. Mouse Movement Techniques
E. 14.4 Adding JavaScript to a Web Page
1. Script Element
2. Alert Message Box
F. 14.5 Document Object Model Overview
G. 14.6 Events and Event Handlers
H. 14.7 Variables
1. Writing a Variable to a Web Page
2. Collecting Variable Values Using a Prompt
I. 14.8 Introduction to Programming Concepts
1. Arithmetic Operators
2. Decision Making
3. Functions
4. The addEventListener Method
J. 14.9 Form Handling
K. 14.10 Accessibility and JavaScript
L. 14.11 JavaScript Resources
M. 14.12 Overview of jQuery
N. 14.13 Adding jQuery to a Web Page
1. Download jQuery
2. Access jQuery via a Content Delivery Network
3. The Ready Event
O. 14.14 jQuery Selectors
P. 14.15 jQuery Methods
Q. 14.16 jQuery Image Gallery
R. 14.17 jQuery Plugins
S. 14.18 jQuery Resources
T. Chapter Summary
U. Key Terms
V. Review Questions
1. Multiple Choice
2. Fill in the Blank
3. Short Answer
W. Apply Your Knowledge
X. Hands-On Exercises
Y. Web Research
19. Web Developer’s Handbook
A. A HTML5 Quick Reference
1. Commonly Used HTML5 Elements
B. B Special Entity Characters
C. C CSS Property Reference
1. Commonly Used CSS Properties
D. D WCAG 2.1 Quick Reference
1. Perceivable
2. Operable
3. Understandable
4. Robust
5. Resources
E. E Landmark Roles with ARIA
F. F FTP Tutorial
1. Publish with File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
a. FTP Applications
b. Connecting with FTP
c. Overview of Using an FTP Application
a. Launch and Login
b. Uploading a File
c. Downloading a File
d. Deleting a File
e. And There’s More!
G. G Web-Safe Color Palette
20. Answers
A. Chapter 1
1. Checkpoint 1.1
2. Checkpoint 1.2
3. Review Questions
B. Chapter 2
1. Checkpoint 2.1
2. Checkpoint 2.2
3. Checkpoint 2.3
4. Review Questions
C. Chapter 3
1. Checkpoint 3.1
2. Checkpoint 3.2
3. Review Questions
D. Chapter 4
1. Checkpoint 4.1
2. Checkpoint 4.2
3. Checkpoint 4.3
4. Review Questions
E. Chapter 5
1. Checkpoint 5.1
2. Checkpoint 5.2
3. Review Questions
F. Chapter 6
1. Checkpoint 6.1
2. Checkpoint 6.2
3. Review Questions
G. Chapter 7
1. Checkpoint 7.1
2. Checkpoint 7.2
3. Review Questions
H. Chapter 8
1. Checkpoint 8.1
2. Checkpoint 8.2
3. Review Questions
I. Chapter 9
1. Checkpoint 9.1
2. Checkpoint 9.2
3. Checkpoint 9.3
4. Review Questions
J. Chapter 10
1. Checkpoint 10.1
2. Checkpoint 10.2
3. Review Questions
K. Chapter 11
1. Checkpoint 11.1
2. Checkpoint 11.2
3. Checkpoint 11.3
4. Review Questions
L. Chapter 12
1. Checkpoint 12.1
2. Checkpoint 12.2
3. Review Questions
M. Chapter 13
1. Checkpoint 13.1
2. Checkpoint 13.2
3. Review Questions
N. Chapter 14
1. Checkpoint 14.1
2. Checkpoint 14.2
3. Checkpoint 14.3
4. Checkpoint 14.4
5. Checkpoint 14.5
6. Review Questions
21. Index
Terry Ann Felke-Morris is a Professor Emerita of Computer Information Systems at William Rainey Harper College in Palatine, Illinois. She holds a Doctor of Education degree, a Master of Science degree in information systems and numerous certifications, including Adobe Certified Dreamweaver 8 Developer, WOW Certified Associate Webmaster, Microsoft Certified Professional, Master CIW Designer and CIW Certified Instructor.
Dr. Felke-Morris has been honored with Harper College’s Glenn A. Reich Memorial Award for Instructional Technology in recognition of her work in designing the college’s Web Development program and courses. In 2006, she received the Blackboard Greenhouse Exemplary Online Course Award for use of Internet technology in the academic environment. Dr. Felke-Morris received 2 international awards in 2008: the Instructional Technology Council’s Outstanding e-Learning Faculty Award for Excellence and the MERLOT Award for Exemplary Online Learning Resources-MERLOT Business Classics.
With more than 25 years of information technology experience in business and industry, Dr. Felke-Morris published her first website in 1996 and has been working with the Web ever since. A long-time promoter of Web standards, she was a member of the Web Standards Project Education Task Force. Dr. Felke-Morris is the author of the popular textbook, Basics of Web Design: HTML5 & CSS3, currently in its 5th Edition. She was instrumental in developing the Web Development certificate and degree programs at William Rainey Harper College.
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