
Essentials of Marketing (15th Edition) – Perreault – eBook

(2 customer reviews)

eBook details

  • Author: William Perreault
  • File Size: 107 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 784 pages
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 15th Edition
  • Publication Date: January 15, 2016
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B01CF6FTF2
  • ISBN-10: 1259573532
  • ISBN-13: 9781259573538

Original price was: $178.08.Current price is: $18.00.

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Essentials of Marketing (15th Edition) – Perreault – eBook PDF

Essentials of Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach 15th edition (PDF) is all about marketing and marketing strategy planning. At its core marketing strategy planning is about finding out how to do a superior job of satisfying customers.

This author squad takes that point of view seriously and considers in practicing what they preach. Students and instructors can trust that this new edition of Essentials of Marketing 15e and all of the teaching and learning materials that supplement it – will satisfy every college student and instructor’s needs.

Building on Pioneering Strengths This author team founded a groundbreaking structure – using the “four Ps” with a managerial approach for the preliminary marketing course. It has turned one of the most widely used business texts ever published because it organises the finest ideas about marketing so that readers can both comprehend and apply them. The merging focus of these concepts is on how to make marketing decisions that a manager must make in deciding what customers to aim and how best to meet their requirements. Over several editions of Essentials of Marketing, there have been continuous changes in marketing management and the marketing environment. Some of the changes have been subtle and others have been dramatic. As a result, the authors have made constant updates to the text to reflect marketing’s best ideas and practices. What’s exclusive about the Essentials of Marketing 15th edition? The four Ps framework managerial orientation and strategy planning focus have confirmed to be basic pillars that are remarkably strong for supporting new developments in the arena and innovations in the text and package.

Marketing’s pillar “Four Ps” framework was first introduced by Jerome McCarthy in the 1960s. Its managerial orientation and practical “How-To-Do-It” strategy planning approach continue with this latest 15th edition of Essentials of Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach.

Essentials of Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach 15e (PDF) teaches students analytical abilities and how-to-do-it skills that train them for success. The author team has purposely included a range of examples explanations frameworks models classification systems cases and “how-to-do-it” techniques that connect to our overall framework for marketing strategy planning. Similarly, the online Marketing Plan Coach assists university students to see how to make marketing plans. Taken together these objects speed the development of “marketing sense” and motivate the student to evaluate marketing situations and create marketing plans in a meaningful and confident way. They are practical and they work. The authors stress the careful integration of special topics. Some textbooks treat “special“ topics—like relationship marketing, international marketing, services marketing, and Internet marketing for not-for-profit organisations marketing, social, ethics issues, and business-to-business marketing—in separate chapters. The authors intentionally avoid doing that because they are convinced that treating such topics individually leads to unsuccessful compartmentalization of ideas. The inclusive package of materials gives instructors the flexibility to teach marketing their way – or for the learner the ability to learn marketing their way.

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Essentials of Marketing 15e in PDF. No access codes are included.